Novel Ways to Customize Your Kindle Experience

There are any number of advantages that Kindle owners have over those sticking to traditional paper books.  You get greater portability, prices (in general), selection, versatility, and more.  That does not mean that there aren’t compromises, though.  There are some satisfactions that only old-fashioned paper books can give.  Most of them, from what I have seen, have a lot to do with presentation.  Naturally, in an effort to capitalize on the shortcoming, there have been some interesting things that people come up with to cope.

Kindles to Show Off

There’s something satisfying about having an impressive bookshelf full of your old favorites and collections.  It can be the effort of a lifetime and contain more memories than you could hope to share.  While you can definitely build the memories with eBooks, the Kindle doesn’t work nearly as well when it comes time to impress people with what you’ve built.  That means you have to be a bit ostentatious!  In this area, a company by the name of Amosu Couture can help.

This company has made a name for itself in providing people with disturbingly expensive consumer products dressed up in gold, diamonds, crystal, and other things that generally have little place on a cell phone.  To give you an idea of the clientele they cater to, a shiny leather BlackBerry case will run you just over $200.  Among their newer products, and serving quite well to compliment the £2799.00 iPad variant, is a 24ct. gold plated Kindle for a mere £1199.00.  It isn’t nearly as understated as a nicely equipped bookshelf full of well-loved texts, but if your goal is to impress…

Kindles to Sign

Moving aside from such superficial considerations for a moment, there’s another quite interesting project going on to help develop a substitute method for fans craving author signatures.  At some point in the future, presumably the near future, we’re likely to be hearing more about a program called “Autography”.

See, people who love books tend to grow quite attached to the authors who were good enough to write them.  It’s nice to be able to get an autograph on your favorite book.  It provides a tangible connection and is just generally gratifying for a lot of people.  It’s hard to get the same experience out of the Kindle.  Some people have taken to getting the back of their Kindle signed, which works since generally you won’t get much wear and tear on that area if you keep your Kindle in a case, but it isn’t the best solution.  There’s a pretty limited amount of space to work with if you have a lot of authors you like, if nothing else.

This program will allow authors to take a quick picture with the fan, sign it across the screen of their tablet PC, or presumably on a tablet input device in general, and send it along.  The signed image can them be added into the eBook after the cover page and you have a memory to hold on to.  It sounds like a bit more work than just a signing, but at the same time it’s a bit more extensive than a personalized signature, too.  I would assume that the option will be available to just get a standard postcard type of image with a personalized signature on it in order to speed things up, but for that we’ll have to wait on the release.

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