Kindle Spanish Dictionary

The best way to learn a foreign language is to experience it though interaction with native speakers and reading books. However if your vocabulary is not that rich just yet, reading books in foreign language can be a tedious chore as you encounter unknown words that you can’t deduce from context. Using default Kindle dictionary helps a great deal. You can just select the word in question with 5-way controller and see the definition in a matter of seconds. While this has worked great from some people others would prefer to see the word translated to their native language rather than defined in English.

Fortunately you can replace default Kindle dictionary with another. A while ago English-Russian Kindle Dictionary was published that became quite popular among Russian people reading English books because it was able to translate different word forms (ex: reading, published, etc) rather than just “read” and “publish”.

Just recently we published English-Spanish Kindle Dictionary that works in a similar way. You can replace your default Kindle dictionary with this one and Kindle will translate every word from English to Spanish in a matter of seconds.

Read this tutorial to find out how to change Kindle dictionary.

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