My Yoga Studio…who would have thought that the Kindle could be used as a fitness and exercise tool? The app is a step by step guide to each yoga pose, and includes a stop watch to time the poses.
The yoga app has 3 routines with 25 poses. In addition to the 3 default routines, you can create your own by choosing from the list of poses. Yoga is such a great meditation exercise and you can do it anywhere without expensive exercise equipment. Personally, I’d really like to also see a Pilates app for the Kindle because that is one of my favorite exercises.
My Yoga Studio has good reviews overall. One improvement that would make this app so much better is to include text to speech and another is to include a beep when it is time to switch poses. That way, you can just listen to instructions without having to look at the Kindle.
“This is a great idea, and the pictures are well-designed for the B&W Kindle. There’s even a timer to allow you so many seconds in each pose, plus the ability to create your own practice. The downside is that it is not text to speech enabled, so you have to keep looking at the kindle, thus the reason for the three rating.”
Good point in this next review. By doing all of this reading, we do a lot of sitting and lying around. My Yoga Studio is a quick and easy way to get moving, or destress.
“After reading so many books on the kindle, you sometimes need to get moving. This app is perfect for that. A newbie to yoga, I found the instructions are fabulous and the timer perect for knowing when to stop. The text to speech feature would be a wonderful addition, but in the mean time I am just propping my kindle. Buy this for a great push to sneak some yoga into your day – even just five minutes. Hey, it is quicker than running to the gym, and certainly more portable.”
Good to see that the game is easy to use and has good graphics. That in itself is one of the most important aspects to have.
Personally, I don’t see the point in having apps for a Kindle. If I want apps, I’ll download them to my smartphone. I bought my Kindle to read on. I don’t want to have distractions.