Category: Kindle News
Coming Soon: An E-Ink Kindle You Can Read In The Dark
When it comes to reading devices like the Kindle, E Ink displays are both the primary draw and the biggest marketing problem. On the one hand they allow for insanely…
Amazon Opens Kindle en Español to US
The coming of the fourth generation of Kindle readers brought us a keyboard-free design. This promised to, and has proven able to, allow for the expansion of Kindle availability into…
Amazon is Getting Kindle Fire In-App Purchasing Ready
If you’re going to develop an application around the idea of ongoing micro-transactions, and many people have chosen to do exactly that, then the most important consideration is likely going…
Agency Model Set To Fall! Kindle Book Prices Will Follow Suit
Not much is known at this time about what options are being discussed by the publishers under attack by the Justice Department. We do have good information that there are…
Kindle Fire 6.3 Update Adds Sharing, Book Extras, Silk Browser Improvements, and More
At this time, Kindle Fire owners should be well on their way to downloading the newest update to their device’s firmware. It began rolling out on Wednesday, but it usually…
Widespread Kindle Use Prompts FAA Investigation of Safety Regulations
While there is essentially no evidence that use of a Kindle during takeoff will have any effect on the performance of an aircraft no matter what technology it employs, FAA…
Kindle Owner’s Lending Library Adds More Titles
The Kindle Owner’s Lending Library is a service for Amazon Prime members that lets you download a book a month for free. There is no due date for the book…
Amazon Kindle vs Acacia: Patent Troll Tries Again
By now Kindle users have become familiar with the idea of sponsored screen savers on their eReaders when the devices are on standby. They are generally unobtrusive, don’t get in…
Amazon Kindle Borrowing Scares Penguin Away From Helping Libraries
Obviously there has often been a bit of strain in the relationship between publishers and libraries, much of the time with arguments along the same lines as those currently used…
Color E-Ink Kindle on the Horizon?
Don’t give up on e-ink Kindles yet. After the success of the Kindle Fire and the tablet boom, I was beginning to think that e-ink was on its way out. …