Super comparator! it is flash?! can I insert it to my site?
It’s a javascript iframe. I’ll post the hotlinking code shortly
Hello, I ask you if the 3G of the kindle Dx works in uruguay, thanks
Does kindles work for hebrew fonts
hello friens…i’ve a questione for much $ has investeted from jeff bezos to create the kindle?!and waht’s the forecast of future about the kindle’s sales?!
Hi. I can´t decide between Kindle 3 and Kindle Touch (Kindle 4). Could anyone tell me if there is any difference in the screen contrast between both of them? Thank you so much!
Andrei Pushkinsays:
Kindle 3 and Kindle 4 Touch will have identical eInk screens. Since K4T will use infrared touchscreen, it will not affect screen quality.
What about the new kindle fire as an ereader? Is glare an issue in a sunny environment or is it the same as a regular ereader?
I haven’t had my hands on one to try out yet, but the Kindle Fire uses an LCD display. That means that it will not be as well suited to reading as E INK. That doesn’t mean it will be horrible, of course, but issues like sun-lit reading are highly likely.
I have a kindle touch. No idea how to make it work. Brightness is non existent. barely distinguish it. no tech support available everywhere I look. I want to send this back
Oh my, I have had every generation of Kindle, and I am not disapointed with the FIRE.I own an Ipad, but wanted a small tablet to go everywhere in my purse. I don’t think my Kindle Keyboard will be replaced for my book reading, though I am enjoying the backlight reading at night with the black background and white letters. I believe that for those who want a tablet and reader, you can’t go wrong.
I’m looking at the Kindle Touch right now for textbooks, and am interested in the text to speech feature especially. My question is, is text to speech available on Kindle Fire & how would Kindle Fire appear for reading textbooks? The backlit feature would be good for reading at night, however, is it difficult on the eyes when reading for long periods?
The Kindle Touch is at best just alright for textbooks. The Kindle Fire is much better, but as you noted has a backlit screen. Text to speech is also not available on the Kindle Fire. I recommend the Fire, but only in situations where you will be saving a significant amount over paper editions of the same text. Sadly, electronic textbooks are far from perfect so far.
I love the Kindle Fire! However, do wish they could have found a way to make the E-Reader part glare proof. Because you need two Kindles, one to read and one to do everything else on. How awesome would a color no glare screen be? Whoever comes up with that will be the E-reader leader. Hurts eyes after reading for awhile so I switch to the Kindle 3G WiFi.
Super comparator! it is flash?! can I insert it to my site?
It’s a javascript iframe. I’ll post the hotlinking code shortly
Hello, I ask you if the 3G of the kindle Dx works in uruguay, thanks
Does kindles work for hebrew fonts
hello friens…i’ve a questione for much $ has investeted from jeff bezos to create the kindle?!and waht’s the forecast of future about the kindle’s sales?!
Hi. I can´t decide between Kindle 3 and Kindle Touch (Kindle 4). Could anyone tell me if there is any difference in the screen contrast between both of them? Thank you so much!
Kindle 3 and Kindle 4 Touch will have identical eInk screens. Since K4T will use infrared touchscreen, it will not affect screen quality.
What about the new kindle fire as an ereader? Is glare an issue in a sunny environment or is it the same as a regular ereader?
I haven’t had my hands on one to try out yet, but the Kindle Fire uses an LCD display. That means that it will not be as well suited to reading as E INK. That doesn’t mean it will be horrible, of course, but issues like sun-lit reading are highly likely.
I have a kindle touch. No idea how to make it work. Brightness is non existent. barely distinguish it. no tech support available everywhere I look. I want to send this back
Oh my, I have had every generation of Kindle, and I am not disapointed with the FIRE.I own an Ipad, but wanted a small tablet to go everywhere in my purse. I don’t think my Kindle Keyboard will be replaced for my book reading, though I am enjoying the backlight reading at night with the black background and white letters. I believe that for those who want a tablet and reader, you can’t go wrong.
I’m looking at the Kindle Touch right now for textbooks, and am interested in the text to speech feature especially. My question is, is text to speech available on Kindle Fire & how would Kindle Fire appear for reading textbooks? The backlit feature would be good for reading at night, however, is it difficult on the eyes when reading for long periods?
The Kindle Touch is at best just alright for textbooks. The Kindle Fire is much better, but as you noted has a backlit screen. Text to speech is also not available on the Kindle Fire. I recommend the Fire, but only in situations where you will be saving a significant amount over paper editions of the same text. Sadly, electronic textbooks are far from perfect so far.
I love the Kindle Fire! However, do wish they could have found a way to make the E-Reader part glare proof. Because you need two Kindles, one to read and one to do everything else on. How awesome would a color no glare screen be? Whoever comes up with that will be the E-reader leader. Hurts eyes after reading for awhile so I switch to the Kindle 3G WiFi.
Can you add the PRS-T1 on there also?