Personal Finance for Dummies

I just finished a book called Personal Finance in Your 20’s for Dummies on my Kindle.  I recommend this getting started guide for anyone setting out in the working world, or those who are looking for learn more about financial matters.

This book covers everything from health insurance to investing.  It is geared for high school or college graduates more so than someone in their late 20’s like myself, however, many of the tips ere very relevant since recent graduates are having a harder time finding jobs.  That in turn puts them getting into the workforce later.  The work force also looks a lot different now than it did even 10 years ago.

The book also gives suggestions for different companies or organizations that are good options to use in each category.  It includes a variety of choices, so there’s something for everyone.

There is another one called Personal Finance for Dummies, as well as Investing for Dummies.  Those go more in detail on the the topic than the 20’s one does.

Seems like there’s a Dummies book for everything.  The language used is written in a way that explains whatever the topic is, really well.  It takes good writing for me to stay engaged, and these do. Read about QFX file.

You can about all of these on the Kindle for less than $10.  I’ve been switching between my Kindle and iPhone Kindle app a lot.  Quite handy since I use these books as a reference for both personal and professional reasons.

Aimee Elizabeth

“This book covers a wide variety of general personal finances. It’s a great starter book for anyone just getting out of school, just entering the workforce or better yet while still in school, before any financial mistakes have been made! And also a great book for anyone to read BEFORE they get their first credit card or any other type of debt. Highly recommended!”

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