There seems to be a small problem with the latest UHF update. The newest uninstaller doesn’t remove old versions of the hack. Since all my Kindle devices have software 2.3 now I can’t debug the issue. I’ve made old version of uninstaller available that should do the job:
- Kindle 2 (serial number starts with B002) – update_ufh_uninstall-k2.bin (old)
- Kindle 2 International (serial number starts with B003) – update_ufh_uninstall-k2i.bin (old)
- Kindle DX (serial number starts with B004) – update_ufh_uninstall-kdx.bin (old)
Sorry for the inconvenience.
My K2 has firmware 2.3, still unable to remove UFH using the latest uninstaller. Thanks,
What files should NOT still be in the root directory after uninstalling?
With all of these font choices now available I am wondering if I missed one that is a liitle darker or bolder than the others. With the latest Kindle software installed I seem to have a lack of contrast that wasn’t there before with the old hack.
It worked for me!!!! Thanks!
Can you please create a package to uninstall UFH 0.3 from 2.3? I installed the wrong UFH package and would like to replace it with a different one. I have no luck in all update_ufh_uninstall-k2.bin. Please help!
could you plz update you uninstaller for UFH 0.3 on kindle 2, version 2.3
It is updated – please look on the hack page.