Author: matthew
Kindle Fire App Store Limitations Show Good Judgement
When people talk about the Kindle Fire’s shortcomings, one of the most common objections is the fact that Amazon has closed their customers into an ecosystem that has no direct…
Kindle Fire vs Kindle Touch Hands-On: Is The Dedicated eReader Obsolete?
In the past several weeks, especially as the Kindle Fire’s release date drew near, many people have been touting the new media tablet as a higher end, more advanced Kindle. …
Nook Tablet’s Larger Storage Offers Less Than Kindle Fire
In the eyes of many, the Kindle Fire didn’t have much of a chance of competing with Apple’s technically superior iPad tablet. That remains to be seen in the longer…
Kindle Touch’s X-Ray Feature Combats Piracy The Smart Way
While the news of the week is certainly focused on the Kindle Fire media tablet and all of the wider implications for tablet computing that go along with it, this…
Kindle Fire Popularity Seems To Spur Interest In Kindle Phone
It’s safe to say that the Kindle Fire has made an impression. Tablet prices are dropping across the board, some major hardware developers seem to be reconsidering their desire to…
Kindle Fire Review
I’ve had my hands on a Kindle Fire for a bit now and I figured that it was time to share impressions. Overall, definitely a nice device for the price. …
Kobo Learns From Amazon, Adds Ads
While the Kobo eReader has had trouble gaining much traction against competing Kindle and Nook options, it continues to be a comparatively strong presence in the eReader marketplace. This is…
Kindle Fire Demand Exceeds That Of First iPad
Can the Kindle Fire really manage to compete with, or even beat out, Apple’s iPad? Opinions are divided, naturally, but it is definitely a strong step in the right direction. …
Kindle Fire Tear Down Details: It’s Less Expensive Than We Thought
One of the more obvious inevitabilities when a product like the Kindle Fire is released is a detailed tear down of the components. It’s always interesting to find out what…
Amazon Kindle Daily Detail Now Available In UK
Let’s face it, Amazon has not been great up until now about making sure that customers outside of US markets get access to their products and services in a timely…