Category: E-Books
Kindle Book Recommendations: Fantasy
I haven’t had a chance to write down any interesting book recommendations for Kindle fans in a while now, but I figure that since I have a decent list piling…
Why Some People Are Annoyed By Kindle Book Sales Numbers
Not too long ago, Amazon(NASDAQ:AMZN) announced that they were finally officially selling more Kindle Edition eBooks than they were print books, even discounting free book downloads. It was a big…
Kindle Book Recommendations: Children’s Books
Oddly enough, one of the prerequisites for blogging about the Kindle isn’t a strong rapport with young people. I’ll admit right off the bat that I don’t know much about…
Does the Ad-Supported Kindle Go Far Enough?
There have been a wide range of responses to the announcement of Amazon’s new ad-supported Kindle release this past week. For the most part, people seem to approve. Amazon made…
How to Productively Criticize High Kindle Book Prices
I’ve noticed no small number of negative reviews going around for Kindle books that publishers insist on pricing above their corresponding hardcover editions. I wholeheartedly approve! What makes it worth…
Publishers Claim Credit For Success of Kindle Editions & Other eBooks
Owing perhaps to the impressive holiday sales figures for the Kindle, Nook, and others at the end of 2010, an announcement from the Association of American Publishers has confirmed that…
Kindle vs Nostalgia: Why Books Aren’t Harmed By eBooks
As somebody who both loves having a Kindle and who is proud of his fairly extensive physical library, it can be infuriating to hear people talk about their perception that…
How Much Value Do Kindle Singles Bring to the Table?
Kindle Singles have been something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. They occupy a strange space in the eBook marketplace. While there’s obviously a place for good short fiction…
Kindle Book Recommendations: Romance
The theme of the day is Romance books for the Kindle! Specifically, romance books revolving around crazy supernatural types of things. I understand that’s the big thing these days, after…
Is Harry Potter Finally Coming to the Kindle?
After years of adamant refusal to consider the idea of releasing electronic versions of her amazingly popular Harry Potter series, there are rumors circulating that J.K. Rowling is giving serious…