Category: Kindle Mod
Gmail on Kindle
It is perfectly possible to access your Gmail account using Amazon Kindle browser. All you need to do is visit the mobile version at rather than full version. Loading…
Kindle 2 Easter Eggs
I can’t believe that I never did a post about Kindle easter eggs. Here is the most complete one. I’ve checked them all one by one and here are the…
Hacking the kindle.
Recently I stumbled upon a blog which describes how to hack Kindle in great details. Even though I’m not a big hacker myself it is quite interesting to see what…
SDK, does the Kindle need one?
These days if company’s want a device to be a success it has to support as many different standards as possible, be as useful to the user as possible, be…
Touch screen Kindle could be on its way
Have you ever wished that you could use a stylus to write notes on a page or use your fingers to turn the virtual page on your Kindle? well your…
Kindle Photo of the Day #20: Frank’s Kindle
Frank sent me an email about his experiences with the Kindle and how had modified it to create a better reading experience. Here is what Frank thinks about his Kindle:…
Eat Your Kindle
As it turns out, not only can you read books on your Kindle, you can now eat it! LilPeaPod from Team Sugar spent her Sunday afternoon cooking up this geeky…
Hand Made Kindle Case Mod Made to Look Like a Book
Believe it or not the above picture is not that of a fine old book, but rather a modified case cover for the Kindle! This beautiful piece was made by…