Kindle Color Name Guessing

With commercially viable Kindle Color eInk displays announced in November, Mirasol displays being around for a while and Barnes & Noble Nook Color being widely perceived (though not by me) as first color eReader, it seems inevitable to me that Kindle Color is going to be released sometime soon.

Therefore I would like to hold a small guessing contest. The idea is to guess how will be called when it is released. While Kindle Color seems to be most obvious idea, there’s not telling how Amazon will end up naming the device. It seems reasonable that Kindle part will stay since it’s a well established brand that is recognized by customers and heavily advertised. I’m open to suggestion about the second part. So I propose a following two stage contest:

  • Until December 25th inclusive you can leave your ideas about Kindle Color name as comments on this post. On the 26th I will randomly choose a comment and present the winner with Lighted Leather Cover in any available color. If you would prefer a cover without light, that’s a viable option too. You will be able to select either once I contact you in case you are the winner.
  • The grand prize would be the Kindle Color eReader device itself once it comes out. It will be awarded to whoever first guesses the device name. Since I want this to be a contest of creativity rather than speed, “Kindle Color” name is not eligible for the grand prize. If it indeed turns out to be the name, I’ll donate the grand prize to some good charitable cause.

So, happy guessing! I’m looking forward to these comments!

106 thoughts on “Kindle Color Name Guessing”

  1. I’m pretty sure the color device is in the works and that it won’t be an all-purpose tablet but rather a dedicated e-reader. I expect Jeff Bezos to be true to his word and also competing with iPads would be extremely tough. They may either use a “continuation of the product line” approach, in which case it will be called simply Kindle 4 (5, 6) or go for a grander “revolutionary” announcement, in which case I expect a bold naming move and my bet is… Rekindle! :-)

  2. Maybe Kindle Spectrum or Kindle , My Kindle. Whatever I hope they hurry or Im going to nook maybe its just simple like Kindle Color

  3. Kindle Kollage – if there is to be color, it would be great for maps,
    artwork reference drawings, anatomy text/reference books and reading Seuss with the grandkids!

  4. I don’t want a kindle Im getting the nook color for Christmas! Is anyone ever SURE that they’re even going to redo the orginal kindle and add color???

  5. I don’t know if Amazon will come out with a color Kindle tablet — they might want to stay focused on reading, which isn’t a bad thing to some of us. But I’d imagine they’ll release a color Kindle, but only once color e-Ink or Mirasol or some other e-Ink-like color display technology is ready for prime time. My guess on the name?

    Kindle Spectrum.

  6. I will offer up the Kindle Dream, Kindle Vision and Kindle Life. They could even make a commercial with the current Kindle going to sleep and dreaming in color. It would be similar to the way in which the Wizard of Oz was filmed. To cover a non Kindle based name I suggest The Krikisar.

  7. – Kindle True
    – Kindle Real
    – Kindle Concept
    – Kindle New Store
    – Kindle More Then Book
    – Kindle 3c/4c

  8. How about “Kindle Bright” or “Kindle Light Bright”! I would love, love to receive a lighted cover!! That would be sweet!

    purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

  9. I think the best suggestions have already been offered, but to put in something different, I’ll go with:

    Kindle CE (color edition)

  10. Since they are already using the 2 letter combo after the name with the DX, I think they will stick with a 2 letter combo. Also since Kindle CX sounds too much like Kindle DX I think it will be something like Kindle CM or maybe Kindle CT

  11. kindle flame
    kindle is loosely associated with fire..
    the name might be an extension of that..
    radiant colors are associated with fire..
    ‘flame’ seems like a logical extension of ‘kindle’.
    [kindle ‘fire’ or ‘wildfire’ would be a bad idea though :) ]

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