Author: matthew
Amazon Suspends Adding New Kindle Newspapers Due To Overwhelming Demand?
The new rule for making a newspaper work seems to be maximizing its availability. This means that not only does it need to be at the local supermarket and gas…
Impressive Kindle Fire Speaker Dock Announced By Grace Digital
Grace Digital Inc, a company many will likely know for their internet radio players, has announced in a recent press release that they will be offering their own Kindle Fire…
Agency Model Set To Fall! Kindle Book Prices Will Follow Suit
Not much is known at this time about what options are being discussed by the publishers under attack by the Justice Department. We do have good information that there are…
Release of Harry Potter for Kindle Magically Removes Buy Buttons From Kindle Store
Now that J.K. Rowling’s last major addition to the Harry Potter experience, the Pottermore site, is about to go live, people are starting to get excited about the series all…
Kindle Fire 6.3 Update Adds Sharing, Book Extras, Silk Browser Improvements, and More
At this time, Kindle Fire owners should be well on their way to downloading the newest update to their device’s firmware. It began rolling out on Wednesday, but it usually…
Already Impressive Kindle Singles Lands Vonnegut Exclusive
What began as seemingly little more than an experiment to test whether or not there was a market for intermediate length written works, Amazon’s Kindle Singles program, has succeeded beyond…
Kindle To See Competition From Windows 8 Readers
Say what you will about Windows 8 and the Metro style it introduces as a general computing option, it is amazing on a touch screen. I’ve had a chance to…
Will Amazon Unwittingly Destroy the Kindle?
It’s been clear since early this year that as the Kindle Fire was taking off so impressively, Amazon was experiencing some amount of decreased Kindle eReader interest among its customers. …
Widespread Kindle Use Prompts FAA Investigation of Safety Regulations
While there is essentially no evidence that use of a Kindle during takeoff will have any effect on the performance of an aircraft no matter what technology it employs, FAA…
Arguing that Amazon’s Behavior Justifies Agency Model Price Fixing is Idiotic
Since the rise of the Agency Model that Apple made possible for publishers in a partnership surrounding the release of the iBooks application and store for the original iPad (a…