Category: E-Books
Kindle Books Become Gifts!
While there has always been the option to send gift cards to friends and family around the holidays in hopes that they will get that Kindle book that you…
Robert Louis Stevenson – A Selection of Free Kindle Classics
The Kindle Store has a number of timeless classics available for free on the Kindle and Kindle DX. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson is one of them. It is…
Kindle German Dictionary
We are glad to announce that in addition to English-Russian Kindle Dictionary and English-Spanish Kindle Dictionary, new English-German Dictionary is now available to Kindle. After downloading the dictionary you can replace your…
Kindle Spanish Dictionary
The best way to learn a foreign language is to experience it though interaction with native speakers and reading books. However if your vocabulary is not that rich just yet,…
James Patterson Hits the Million Mark in Kindle Book Sales
James Patterson recently hit the million mark in number of Kindle books sold. He is the second author to do so. The other author is Stieg Larsson, the author of…
Amazon Announces Lending Feature for Kindle
The moment we have all been waiting for has finally arrived. Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) has finally announced plans to allow Kindle book sharing among Kindle users. Like the Nook, the…
The Big Short Kindle Edition
Many of you are probably familiar with the hit movie, “The Blind Side.” It is based on a novel of the same name by Michael Lewis. The Blind Side is…
Best Buy to Sell Kindles This Fall
Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) is slated to join Staples (NASDAQ: SPLS) and Target (NYSE:TGT) by adding the Kindle to its inventory this fall. Just in time for the holiday season,…
Last Night at Chateau Marmont Kindle Edition
While looking through the latest book releases in the kindle top 100 list, I came across one from Lauren Weisberger called Last Night at Chateau Marmont. Weisberger is best…
Mangle: Manga Meets the Kindle
For anyone interested in manga, there is a free, open source software available called Mangle. Manga is a series of Japanese cartoons or comics that cover all genres such as…