Author: matthew
Kindle Fire vs Kindle Touch: Deciding Which Meets Your Needs Better
Early on in the Kindle’s life, there was a lot of insistance than it couldn’t possibly succeed as a product when there was something as great as the iPad available. …
Kindle Touch vs Kindle Keyboard: Is It Worth An Upgrade?
Some of the longest running customer demands for the Kindle line have been a touchscreen, a color display, and a price under $100. The Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire each…
Kindle 4 vs Kindle DX: Where To Find The Most Value
Ok, I’ll come right out and admit that I’m a big fan of the Kindle DX. I know it is a bit expensive compared to the other Kindles, especially after…
A Kindle 3 vs Kindle 4 Comparison
While the new Kindles have been announced, right now all we have to choose from if we want to read something right this minute are the Kindle Keyboard (formerly the…
Kindle Fire Review (Pre-release)
I’ve been speculating here about Amazon’s entry into the Tablet PC marketplace for months now. Finally, we have the Kindle Fire to actually look at. Sure it might not be…
Kindle Touch Review (Pre-release)
As might be obvious based on the posted release dates at this point, it would be very unlikely for me to have a Kindle Touch handy to review right now. …
Kindle 4 Cost Breakdown
Recently Andrei managed to thoroughly break a perfectly good new Kindle 4 in his quest for ever more complete understanding of what’s going on inside our favorite devices. The information…
Barnes & Noble Already Prepping Kindle Fire Competition
Beginning just days before the press conference that revealed the Kindle Fire to the world, rumors started popping up that Barnes & Noble was nervously prepping their next tablet for…
$80 Kindle 4 Might Be Problematic For Amazon’s School Penetration
It is no secret that Amazon has its eyes on getting Kindles into schools. That was pretty clear even before the Kindle DX pilot programs and Kindle textbook rentals. The…
Inkstone Finds A Way To Compensate For Apple’s Anti-Kindle Stance
The iPad and the Kindle have always had a curious love/hate relationship that can be enough to drive many users nuts. While they were expected to compete for users from…